PopUp Magazine SFMOMA

A statistical study on wine consumption for PopUp Magazine.

 - 2 Thatʼs how many glasses of wine I used to prep for getting on stage tonight.

2 Thatʼs how many glasses of wine I used to prep for getting on stage tonight.

 - 20 Number of glasses of wine I consume in an average month.

20 Number of glasses of wine I consume in an average month.

 - It takes only 2.5 months for me to equal the average Americanʼs annual wine consumption of 56. However...

It takes only 2.5 months for me to equal the average Americanʼs annual wine consumption of 56. However...

 - Though impressive, my annual consumption of 192 glasses falls well short of...

Though impressive, my annual consumption of 192 glasses falls well short of...

 - 533, the average annual consumption of a citizen of Vatican City.

533, the average annual consumption of a citizen of Vatican City.

 - Not so in the state of Utah where it takes an average citizen 40 years to drink 2,000 glasses of wine which equals 4 years worth of the Vatican Cityʼs beverage of choice.

Not so in the state of Utah where it takes an average citizen 40 years to drink 2,000 glasses of wine which equals 4 years worth of the Vatican Cityʼs beverage of choice.

 - 4,800. The number of glasses of wine I will drink over the next 20 years. Twice as much as Utah, in 1⁄2 the time.

4,800. The number of glasses of wine I will drink over the next 20 years. Twice as much as Utah, in 1⁄2 the time.

 - 15,840. The approximate number of glasses I still have the opportunity to enjoy before I die.

15,840. The approximate number of glasses I still have the opportunity to enjoy before I die.

 - 46,720. An adult lifetimeʼs worth of consumption based on recent health agency recommendations. Good news is that Iʼm lagging a bit...

46,720. An adult lifetimeʼs worth of consumption based on recent health agency recommendations. Good news is that Iʼm lagging a bit...

 - If I drink one more glass of wine tonight, keep that pace for the rest of my life and throw in my wifeʼs consumption, we might well reach 200,000 glasses of wine over our lifetimes.  If I throw my parents and in-laws in, we just might surpass 500,000 glasses between the 6 of us...it takes India, a country of almost 1.2 billion people a full 5 hours to reach that mark.

If I drink one more glass of wine tonight, keep that pace for the rest of my life and throw in my wifeʼs consumption, we might well reach 200,000 glasses of wine over our lifetimes. If I throw my parents and in-laws in, we just might surpass 500,000 glasses between the 6 of us...it takes India, a country of almost 1.2 billion people a full 5 hours to reach that mark.

 - Interestingly enough, Indiaʼs 1.2 billion citizensʼ daily consumption closely approximates the volume of wine produced in the same time period by the Napa Valley region: 1,814,794 glasses of wine a day.

Interestingly enough, Indiaʼs 1.2 billion citizensʼ daily consumption closely approximates the volume of wine produced in the same time period by the Napa Valley region: 1,814,794 glasses of wine a day.

 - Napa Valleyʼs production goes a long way to help supply San Franciscoʼs need for 72,800,000 glasses of wine annually.

Napa Valleyʼs production goes a long way to help supply San Franciscoʼs need for 72,800,000 glasses of wine annually.

 - Although massive, Napaʼs production puts considerably less of a dent in the worldʼs annual consumption of 209.6 billion glasses of wine per year.

Although massive, Napaʼs production puts considerably less of a dent in the worldʼs annual consumption of 209.6 billion glasses of wine per year.