I was honored to contribute a story on earthquakes to BIG_54: San Francisco 20 years ago and am stoked to help get the gang back together again and contribute to the SF_retake gallery show. It doesn’t seem like 20 years ago when the East Bay homeowner called the cops on me because I was “using my camera to stake their house for robbery”. I didn’t have the nerve to tell them I was actually taking a picture of their house because it was sitting on a fault line. Good memories.
Location: Harvey Milk Center for the Arts
Address: 50 Scott St, San Francisco, CA 94117
Length of Show: May 4–June 8, 2024
Client: iTunes
Location: Eschliman Studio, San Francisco
Length of Shoot: 5 Days
Really fun project with a great team. Most of whom arrived on bikes.
Location: Brasília, Brazil
Very pleased that the image Brasília, Brazil, 1 hour, 17:47-18:47, May 31, 2023 from our OneDay project made AP40 show.
Client: The New York Times Magazine and T: The New York Times Style Magazine.
Location: All over the place
Length of Shoot: 2007-2024
It’s hard to imagine the New York Times Magazine without Kathy Ryan . I will be forever grateful for the opportunities provided to me by nytmag on her watch. I shot everything from whipped cream to depression, a castle in Germany to sewage in Orange County. I’ve met so many remarkable people and collaborated with amazing creatives along the way. I will never forget the question “We know you don’t shoot food. Do you want to?”
Our new promo with Apostrophe Reps is out and it’s lovely. Paper Chase Press did an amazing job getting this thing on paper. I love paper.
Location: Been around the world and I, I, I
Length of Shoot: Days and days and days
Really pleased to have our OneDay site designed by Manual SF living on paper in Communication Art’s Interactive Annual. We’re honored to be sandwiched between Yeti and Adidas.
Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Length of Shoot: Two Weeks
Our Eschliman Studio annual holiday print is finally out the door. Despite our best intentions, it’s neither holiday nor annual.
Client: Collaboration with Anna Keville Joyce
Location: Kingston, New York.
Length of Shoot: 2 Days
Pleased that two images from our FOOD PIXEL PROJECT were selected to be included in the AI-AP American Photography AP39 Book. Sometimes you get two pages for one image, sometimes one page for two. Always an honor.
Client: Lidl
Location: Eschliman Studio, San Francisco
Length of Shoot: 5 Days
It was nice to see our Lidl campaign taking a spread in Communication Art’s Advertising Annual
Location: Brazil
Length of Shoot: Roughly 2 weeks
I recently spent a couple of weeks working on my studio’s OneDay project in Brazil. I traveled from São Paulo to Brazil’s northern state of Bahia to Brasilia and back to São Paulo.
São Paulo is enormous. 21.8 Million people. It has enormous beauty, chaos and incredible graffiti. Bahia’s culture is so rich, its food so good and the hiking, amazing. Having an interest in Oscar Niemeyer’s architecture, I’d always wanted to visit Brasília. A modern city, built from scratch in the late 1950s, Brasília is interesting on so many levels. Its highland skies were both striking and perfect and reminded me of the American southwest.
Location: Kingston, New York.
Length of Shoot: Two days.
It’s alway a pleasure collaborating with Anna Keville Joyce but especially on a personal project. The greater opportunity for exploration that a personal project provides can be really rewarding. We created 5 lo-fi illustrations of iconic food items using their component ingredients as pixels. Each pixel was approximately 4cm x 4cm. We used a great many pieces of seaweed.
Receiving recognition for personal projects is always welcome confirmation that time was not wasted.Two of these illustrations will be printed in the AI / AP American Photography 39 book this fall.
Location: Reine, Norway
Length of Shoot: 4 dark days
After traveling to Alaska in 2022 to photograph 24 hours of daylight, I wanted to experience the opposite, 24 hours of darkness. Reine, Norway offered a similar latitude to Utqiagvik, Alaska, well north of the Arctic Circle. Reine is a fishing village in the Lofoten Islands and offered spectacular views of the fjords and clear views of the sky in the specific direction that I was looking for. The OneDay project really is an exercise in sleep deprivation. I blame lack of sleep for the least organized equipment shot I’m willing to share.
Eschliman Studio is pleased to announce its new project OneDay
OneDay’s first gallery showing will be at the Sarah Shepard Gallery.
January 21, 2023 - March 1, 2023.
Join us for the opening on Saturday, January 21, 3-5pm.
See more at Sarah Shepard Gallery
Location: Eschliman Studio, San Francisco
Length of Shoot: 3 Days
We worked with Manual Creative’s team to create visuals to help launch Mill, a client with a good product and great intentions. Mill’s first product, a kitchen bin for food scraps dries, shrinks, and de-stinks your food scraps for you. For those of us reluctant composters, it changes the experience and makes it better. Greenhouse gas from global food waste does more damage to the planet than the entire airline industry and Mill is out to change that. But back to the scraps, we dropped them through the air for slow motion footage, Abby Stolfo created the most artistic food scrap piles possible. We shot them from above and shot them from the side. Any shoot with Manual Creative is enjoyable. When the shoot involves shooting food scraps (which are not trash), even better.
Location: Eschliman Studio, San Francisco
Length of Shoot: 2 days
No better way to end 2022 than with a studio full of beer. We spent 2 days creating still and motion content for the state of California’s Visit CA magazine. It was a pleasure having many of California’s best beers all in one place and a challenge to keep them all organized.
Location: Alaska
Length of Shoot: 10 Days
In June I traveled to northern Alaska to photograph 24 hours of daylight for my OneDay project. It was my first trip to the Arctic Circle. So surreal, watching the sun reach its lowest point just above the horizon at 2:36 AM. The sleep deprivation was memory altering but I will not forget the weather changing every 5 minutes in the Yukon, the many mosquitos, never seeing a bear, eating a lot of ramen and being mesmerized by the slow moving ice flow in Utqiagvik.
Location: Eschliman Studio, San Francisco
Length of Shoot: 2 days
Each shoot for Rothy’s has been great. For Rothy’s Spring 2022 visuals, we used baby swimming pools, many flowers, some tennis balls and a pile of eggplants. Another great couple of days spent with a good crew and great client.
Location: Eschliman Studio, San Francisco
Length of Shoot: 5 days
It’s not everyday that a creative brief asks us to make food suspicious. This was a strong campaign created by VMLY&R for Lidl a European based grocery chain. We enjoyed creating a Loch Ness Monster from a banana and recreating Stonehenge with a baguette. Strong creative and strong team for this project. In particular, Anna Keville Joyce, our food stylist, brought her problem solving ‘A’ game.
Location: Eschliman Studio, San Francisco
Length of Shoot: 2 days
I always enjoy getting to explore the materials that are used in manufacturing but rarely are the raw materials our focus. Rothy’s is an innovative brand with a goal of full circularity in production by 2023. We spent a couple of days in the studio with their materials making visuals for their spring Circularity campaign. It’s doubly rewarding to make visuals for a company with such lofty goals to protect our environment.